Bracale, Joseph
Department Head Plumbing and Heating
(203) 397-4031 ext 14781

Chanthinith, Patty
Fiscal Administrative assistant
(203) 397-4031 ext 14909

Criscitelli, Vincent
Instructor, Social Studies
(203) 397-4031 ext 14717

Delpiano, Daniel
Related Ed and Math Department Head
(203) 397-4031 ext 14709

Goldstein, Sherie
Instructor, Marketing, Management and Entrepreneurship
(203) 397-4031 ext 14796

Lombardo, Sal
Department Head, Building and Civil Construction
(203) 397-4031 ext 14794

Marrero, Caro
Instructor, Building and Civil Construction
(203) 397-4032 ext.14795

Martinchek, Robert
Department Head, Graphic Design
(203) 397-4031 ext 14779

Montanaro, Melissa
General Education Department Head
(203) 397-4031 ext 14710/14838

Rios-Roldan, Johanna
School Psychologist, 504 Coordinator
(203)397- 3899 ext 14899

Roettger, Louis
Instructor, Precision Machining (DH)
(203) 397-4031 ext 14772

Wellington-Abrahams, Opal
Mr. DiNatale-Secretary 2
(203) 397-4031 ext 14918

Willinsky, Jeanne
Director of Counseling and Admissions
(203) 397-4031 ext 14898

Yargeau, Michael
Department Head Automotive Technology
(203) 397-4031 ext 14738