It’s important to give students a chance to interact outside of the classroom and extracurricular activities and organizations are a great way to do that. Eli Whitney Technical High School has a wide range of options including everything from Student Council and National Honor Society to SkillsUSA and Yearbook Club.

National Honor Society
The National Honor Society is an organization promoting recognition for students with outstanding accomplishments in the areas of scholarship, character, leadership and service.

Come use your club time to practice and prepare for the SkillsUSA competition. Click here to learn more about SkillsUSA.

Student Council

The Student Council represents the voice of the students in the democratic management of student affairs at Eli Whitney Technical High School. It is the organization through which the administration, faculty and staff as well as the student body cooperate in addressing the concerns of the school.

Yearbook Club
Be part of the group who designs the annual yearbook. Work will be done online, at home and during club days.