Good afternoon Eli family,
- The freshman will be entering exploratory once again this week. Be sure to have your boots, exploratory shirt, and goggles.
- Sophomores attended Empower leadership training last week, focusing on teambuilding and leadership skills.
- The girls volleyball team remains undefeated, defeating Wilcox Tech on Friday night. Outstanding!!!

- The soccer and football teams continue to compete on the field as they are first-year teams. Pictures forthcoming.
- Empower Leadership teambuilding activities.

- Thank you to Mr. Walker, social media advisor for the pictures and video.
- Here is a link to the Eli Whitney Tech Instagram page.
- Here is a link to the Facebook group.
- Daily attendance is important as it prepares you for professionalism in the workplace or college. Chronic attendance occurs when you have 2 or more absences in a month. Achieving ten unexcused absences places you in the chronic absentee category and may lead to credit denial. Communication is important for all absences, notes should be submitted as well.
- As the Eli Whitney students have been extremely cooperative in the educational process, we have had numerous situations with student disagreements. As mentioned before and in the handbook, fighting is not an acceptable form of disagreement. Communicate with the school counselors, teachers, administration, or SRO if aware of a potential issue or if a student needs to talk to someone. A physical altercation can lead to out-of-school suspension, expulsion, and/or arrest.
- While attending sporting events, FANS must be respectful to all. No inappropriate comments should be made. FANS are not be FANATICS. As we have encountered some students making inappropriate comments, we may reach a point where students aren’t able to attend our home games. Be respectful and make Eli proud!
- Dress code remains the same, no crocs, midriffs, pants with holes. The attire must be appropriate. Once again, ID’s must be worn at all times.
Cell phones may be used at the discretion of the teachers in class. Recording of other students and adults is not permitted. We will be reviewing the policy to reduce interruption of learning time.
- As we have transitioned into the Fall season, if we need to cancel school we will announce school closures in ParentSquare, and post on the following TV stations, CH3-WFSB, CH 61 Fox, CH8 WTNH and CH30 WNBC.
- Let’s work together to make Eli Whitney the best and safest school for trade and college preparation!
Have a great afternoon,
Mr. DiNatale