Empower Leadeship
Principal’s Update
September 18, 2022
Principal’s Update
Good evening Eli family,
- We had a busy week, the freshman in exploratory, the seniors supporting and working with the freshman with their trade experience. The senior class attended a presentation, Choices Matter. Choices Matter covered topics such as driving under the influence and the life-changing impact a person may endure.
- Seniors attending Empower leadership training.
- MDET freshman working on an engineering design project. Students must design a container for the egg drop challenge. The goal is to have the least impact/damage to the egg.
- Our football, volleyball, and soccer teams are in full game mode. Please see below the home schedule. Students attending games are required to show their school id upon entrance and be positive fans.
9/13 | SOCCER | PLATT | 3:45 | POSTPONED |
9/19 | VBALL | PLATT | 3:45 | |
9/23 | VBALL | OBRIEN | 3:45 | |
9/30 | VBALL | WILCOX | 5:15 | |
10/3 | SOCCER | CAR/HILL | 3:45 | |
10/5 | VBALL | CHENEY | 3:45 | |
10/11 | SOCCER | OBRIEN | 3:45 | |
10/13 | SOCCER | WRIGHT | 3:45 | |
10/17 | VBALL | BULLARD | 3:45 | |
10/21 | SOCCER | KAYNOR | 3:45 | |
10/26 | VBALL | HILLHOUSE | 5:15 | |
- Daily attendance is important as it prepares you for professionalism in the workplace or college. Chronic attendance occurs when you have 2 or more absences in a month. Achieving ten unexcused absences places you in the chronic absentee category and may lead to credit denial. Communication is important for all absences, notes should be submitted as well.
- As the Eli Whitney students have been extremely cooperative in the educational process, we have had numerous situations with student disagreements. As mentioned before and in the handbook, fighting is not an acceptable form of disagreement. Communicate with the school counselors, teachers, administration, or SRO if aware of a potential issue or if a student needs to talk to someone. A physical altercation can lead to out-of-school suspension, expulsion, and/or arrest.
- Dress code remains the same, no crocs, midriffs, pants with holes. The attire must be appropriate. Once again, ID’s must be worn at all times. Cell phones may be used at the discretion of the teachers in class. Recording of other students and adults is not permitted. We will be reviewing the policy to reduce interruption of learning time.
- Let’s work together to make Eli Whitney the best school for trade and college preparation!
Have a wonderful evening,
Mr. DiNatale